Demotivation at work and how to get rid of it

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Last Updated on August 31, 2020 by Lucie Klabanová

(For czech version of the post click here.)

When you start a new job, you are full of enthusiasm, motivation to learn and change things for the better and work to the maximum. But if this fresh relationship between you and your new job is somehow not taken care of, step by step you will lose that enthusiasm.

You start to see all little things that do not work well, that you can’t change, you start to discover things that are really annoying you. When you start across the natural feeling of “I-am-not-good-enough”, concerns about whether you really know what you are doing, whether it is beneficial in some way and brings any value, the lift goes down pretty fast.

Demotivation is coming. You don’t want to do anything, you think about each task four times, if you really have to do it, and what you do, you do with reluctance and feeling just to get rid of it quickly.

This feeling accompanies you moreover also home. You are tensed, not happy, and you overreact to the little things.

What to do? Is it worth holding keep up and move on?

Certainly not. Dissatisfaction would only deepen more and could lead to general depression. It is necessary to look for a solution.

Start with yourself

Before you speak out loud only about the negatives of your work (regardless if justified), think about whether there is a “mistake” on your side. And by mistake I do not mean that you are doing something wrong, but maybe also that you are simply in a position that is not right for you.

If you know your values, you are clear in your life vision, just remember it and answer or yourself: “Is this job in line with my vision? Does it make sense to me?”

Find and suggest solutions

Instead of just complaining about how everything is bad, talk to your boss and colleagues presenting them suggestions for solving things that bother you. Are you annoyed that you have to rewrite information from several emails into a spreadsheet? Create a shared spreadsheet where colleagues write information directly. Sometimes small quick fixes can significantly improve the situation.

If you are proposing a solution to others, always justify them correctly, explaining that you want to improve the overall functioning and that it is not just a whim. People generally don’t like change, so if you explain everything thoroughly, it will be easier for them to accept the news.

Speak to the boss

A good boss should notice that there is something wrong with his employee. The average one will start thinking about how to motivate you again as quickly as possible. Maybe he will offer you an extra bonus for a new project, or he promises another form of reward. The wrong boss might start threatening to lose your job.

As you probably already know, motivating someone else from outside is a bit of an illusion. It doesn’t work the way average bosses probably think.

If you have a great boss, he will react like a good coach. He listens to all the facts, asks about your feelings. Then he finds out the real causes. These can be hidden somewhere between the lines.

What should he find out in such discussion?

  • What is your job goal?
  • What is your life goal? Is the work in line with the life one?
  • Why doesn’t the work you do follow your work goal? What are the objective causes?
  • Can your specific position, what you are doing, be adjusted anyhow, so you will be satisfied? Or would another position be more appropriate?
  • How do relationships with colleagues work? Where are the potential problems and why?

At that time you should already have clear answers to those questions. You should find the time and think about the whole situation, look for possible solutions, which you should then suggest to your boss. After all, this is all about you. If you are struggling to find your values ​​or vision, take the time to look for them. It will change your view of everyday life and even the mentioned problems at work.

The conclusion of such an interview with the boss (or more interviews) should be a proposal on how to solve the problem (problems) and in which horizon. Every boss should want to deal with things, not let them “just dissappear”. Of course, not everything can be solved right away, some changes require longer time and more changes. Therefore, be patient.

From my own experience, I know that if the boss engages in such a conversation, the act itself is a great help for unblocking the demotivation. It will give you relief (the opportunity to speak openly), a sense of importance (he is interested in listening to me) and hope (we will find a solution).

However, it is equally important that the given promises are kept, or if this is not possible (for objective reasons), that other, new solutions are found.

Positive is more than negative

Lastly, remember that satisfaction is always in your head. In no job there will be 100% things that will keep you happy. Therefore, remind yourself about why you are satisfied with this work, not what annoys you. If you focus your thoughts in a positive direction, the bad points will seem smaller. And in the meantime, look for solutions to problems and work to make your work in line with your life vision.

I am a mentor, leader and pioneer of business process improvement. I help companies and individuals to find effective ways to achieve their goals. More about me you can find here>>

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