
My name is Lucie Klabanová. I am a mentor, leader and pioneer of business process improvement. I help companies and individuals find effective ways to achieve their goals.

I have many years of experience in setting up processes in companies, managing people, organizing the functioning of companies not only with regard to cost efficiency, but also financial management of the company.

Since 2018, I have also been actively involved in mentoring and consulting in the aforementioned areas, along with additional areas such as time management, personal development, leadership and others.” 

Examples of my experience:

Setting up effective business processes: simplification, digitization, automation

Comprehensive business management: company management from strategy to execution and financial results

Leadership and team building: leading by example, giving direction, delegating, leaving responsibility

Data analysis: understanding of company data and strategic recommendations based on it

International experience: business manager for 11 European countries, studying and working abroad

Which is my story?

Ing. Lucie Klabanová, CEMS MIM

I come from an ordinary, poor family, where I was taught that I can achieve anything I desire. I just have to do something for it. So I worked hard to study, got an excellent and well-paid job. I graduated from two master’s studies (VŠE and CEMS MIM – Community of European Management Schools, Masters in International Management). I started working full-time while still at school. And then I built a career. In the Czech Republic and abroad.

Sometimes it took more effort than I could imagine. But I had my motivation and so it always led to success in the end.
Today, I have been working as a manager for more than twelve years, which is a job that gives me meaning and is in line with my life vision.

But there were several moments in my life that shook my convictions.

The road is not always straight

When I was first tasked with building my team, I was excited. That’s what I always wanted – to lead people! But I realized very quickly that it is far from easy. It doesn’t work that I just split the work and there’s none left for me. I learned that not everyone is capable of doing anything. That I have to take the time to teach each subordinate what he needs to do well. And that if I get a position, it doesn’t mean anything at all.

And so, after the first crashed, I started looking for a way to gain real respect from my subordinates. It was not an easy journey, and certainly not a short one. But it was very fulfilling for me.

The next turning point came when I got pregnant, not exactly at the best moment. My career was on the rise, more and more work was needed. But I wanted to be a mom. Suddenly, everything was rearranged for me, priorities shifted a lot.

When I told the people around me that I could continue being a boss and a mother, they didn’t believe me. They said it couldn’t be managed together. I doubted it for a while. Aren’t they right?

Never give up!

I didn’t give up and looked for a way. I created my own idea of how I would function, how I would organize my time and divide it between family and work. And I was lucky enough to make my idea come true.

Wow, it worked. And it still works today.
It’s challenging, sometimes more, but it’s possible.

That’s why today I support those who, like me, want to be successful at work, while not neglecting their family and also having time for themselves. I help them set priorities correctly, organize their time effectively, and properly lead subordinates, co-workers, and family. This is the only way they can be satisfied – at work as well as at home.

What is make-it-easy project about?

When I was thinking how to summarize the vision of my project, I created a graphics below.

There are three pillars of the whole idea that are interconnected and depend on each other: 

How can you get inspiration? 

I am regularly sharing my thoughts and ideas through blog posts, as writing is on of my hobbies. At the beginning I did write them in both languages – czech and english – but for obvious reasons (priorities :-)) I had to give up the english translations. Nevertheless, you can find few of the older ones, still valid, in my BLOG here. 

(You can visit the Czech blog on make-it-easy.cz)

Before you go, let's stay connected: 

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