Privacy policy

Thank you for visiting my pages. I do consider your privacy highly important, therefore I wish you feel save while browsing my website. Protection of your personal data is key for me and I do consider this while doing all activities.

All information about you collected during your visit I handle with care according to valid law, including GDPR.

Who is the controller

The controller of personal data from blog is me, Lucie Klabanová, Pelechovská
847, 190 17 Praha 9, IČ: 06898131, Živnostenský list vydán Úřadem městské části
Praha 19, č.j. MCP09/011495/2018/OŽ/RAD. As a controller I do decide for which
reason we work with your data and for how long and also who will be allowed to
work with that.


Shall you have any questions considering your private data, you can contact me by email, where I am at your disposal for queries about personal information and also in case of suggestions or complaints.

The scope of personal data and reasons for their processing

When you visit my web page, our web servers do mark in a standard way your IP address,
which was given to you by your internet provider, website you came from, pages
you visit on my web and also a date and length of your visit. Your personal
data are collected only when you give your consent for it, e.g. during registration,
competitions or contractual relationship.

I do collect personal information such as name, surname, email, in some cases also address and telephone number, on the following lawful basis:

Performance of contract:

I need your e-mail, name and adress for being able to fulfill my duties from the contract (sending you e-book, e-mail or online course etc.)

Accountancy reasons:

If you are my clients, I am obliged to keep your personal data (invoice information) for keeping law requrirements about tax documentation.

Marketing reasons – sending newsletters:

Your personal data (name and e-mail), sex, your interests shown by clicking in emails and time of opening the emails are used by me for direct marketing purposes – sending you marketing offers. If you are my client, I do it from legitimate interest, as I expect that you are interested in the news from me and so for 6 years after your last order.

If you are not my client, I send you newsletter based on your consent, as well for the period of 6 years maximum.

In both cases you can unsubscribe from the newsletter mailing by clicking on respective link in each email sent by me.

Use and giving the personal information to third parties and is using you personal data for technical administration of the web pages, clients administration and marketing purposes only in the scope, which is necessary.  

I do give your personal data to third parties only to state facilities and offices when required by the valid applicable law. My cooperators and agencies are obliged for discretion by our cooperation contracts.

I never give your data to external third parties except mention reasons.

Possibility to unsubscribe

I intend to use your personal data only to be able to inform you about my products and services, or find out your opinion about them. Of course to take part in this is voluntary. If you do not want to recieve any of those communications you can inform me anytime so I can stop sending them to you. In case of email communication you can unsubscribe anytime by clicking the respective button in each email.


While browsing the web pages and I do collect your IP address, information about the length of you visit and where you come from. Using cookies for measuring the web visits, adjusting the display of web pages I consider to be my legitimate interest of a controller, because I do trust by doing that I will be able to offer you even better services.

Cookies for advertisement display are used only in case of your consent.

You can browse the website in so called private regime, which does not allow cookies collection. You can forbid the usage of cookies on your computer.

Security and is taking technical, organizational and security measures to protect all your data against manipulation, lost, destruction or interference of unauthorized people. We do steadily improve our security measures.

To your personal data only my employees and cooperators have acces. I use for securing some subcontracted activities, which I am not able provide myself, only services and applications of the best companies, who can protect data even better than me and who specialize in the given area.

Those are the providers I cooperate with:











It is possible I will decide to use other application or companies in the future for imporving services I provide to you. I do promise that I will be giving very high importance to their selection and will demand high standards for security and quality of processing from them, too.

Transfering information outside of European union.

All your personal data are handled inside the EU.

Your rights

You are guaranteed the following rights in relation to
your personal data protection. If you wish to use any of those, please contact me on e-mail:

You have right for information, which is fulfilled by this privacy policy page.

You have right to access your data. If you inform me about it at the above email, I will give you within 30 days complete information about which data I do handle and why.

If your data is changed or you find your data outdated or not complete, you can ask me to change or add them.

At any time you may object to the processing of your personal data, on legitimate grounds, except if otherwise permitted by applicable law. If you believe your right to privacy granted by applicable data protection laws has been infringed upon, please contact me immediatelly. You also
have a right to lodge a complaint with data protection authorities.  

You may decline to share certain personal data with us, in which case we may not be able to provide to you some of the features and functionality of service.

You can ask me to delete you completely from all my databases. I do not wish that, but if you ask me, I will do so in 30 days from your request. I am not allowed to do that only in case when the applicable law requests me to keep your data (e.g. accountancy laws).  

You can use the right to transfer your data to some other subject. I will follow same steps as described above with the right to access your data. In this case I need 50 days and I will provide data in computing version.


I assure you that my co-workers and employeses who will process your personal data are obliged to keep secrecy about the information as well as about security measures used. This is valid also after our obligation relation are finished.

Without your consent we will not give your personal data to any third parties.